How is it for you, Islington?

Everyone has a different view of change. Some optimistic, some nostalgic, some resistant, but all relevant.

Throughout 2015 CSCA worked on a University of Salford research initiative Ideas4Ordsall, fostering creative activities by supporting people with ideas. ‘How is it for you, Islington?’ is one of the projects we helped to deliver;

In an area of large scale regeneration, residents and visitors to The Islington Estate in Salford give their views on the area, and how it is changing.

The project was created with photographer and writer Len Grant, and St Phil’s camera club. The images produced have been shown and erected at numerous venues around the city, and in the public places where the photos were taken. We also produced 2000 newspapers that show some of the images from the exhibition alongside a narrative of the project expressing some of the views of the people we spoke to and photographed. Here’s an online copy of the newspaper;

St Phil’s camera club meet Wednesdays 1 – 3pm at St Phil’s Church;
Improve your fitness, and photography and I.T. skills! Join us for a leisurely stroll around places of interest in Salford where our group share advice about taking better photos. If the weather’s too bad, we put the kettle on and help each other to share photos with friends, family and the online community. £1 per session. Delivered in partnership with Salford City Council Health Improvement Team.


Click the links for more info about Ideas4Ordsall and ‘How is it for you, Islington?’